Monday 18 April 2011

3 out of 3

Dick's first day back running the midweek flying, with course student Danny W, plus new member Chas C. As always Kath was doing a sterling job on the winch. The soaring tasks were duly set, but the weather didn't really play ball. A murky high pressure appears to have sat over us, with hazy outlines of cumulus tempting some to take hopeful launches. Bruno and Gail launched in HVQ but despite a valiant 30mins airborne failed to find taskable weather. This was followed by a succession of launches by club members into quite soarable local weather.
Rowen had the longest flight of the day in his Cirrus (2hr 16min) climbing to over 6000ft, but could not make progress in the poor visibility. Sven took a winch launch in the K8 and managed to stay out for 1hr and 26mins, achieving a leg for Bronze and XC Endorsement - not bad for a pilot who went solo last Tuesday!! Ian flew the ASW20 for 1hr 46, and John Rogers also managed 47mins local soaring. Visitor Pete R from Tibenham took his DG self-launcher around a short task (to a new turnpoint nominated by his other half - Bicester Outlet Village!). Martin L had a quick flight in the K8, Tony T took GCY for a couple of flights, and Jane flew Q5. A good time had by all, hoping for improved forecast in the morning.