Sunday, 21 April 2013

Gavin's Report for the Week

Monday 15 April

A blustery start to the week saw Buster Maynard begin his course learning to fly gliders in strong wind conditions.  John Donovan was also starting the week with Tim Humpherson who managed a short introductory flight in the motor glider before the wind picked up.  Thereafter they tackled the conditions in our trusty K13 DVX.  Michael Rawclife stopped by for a few flights and the day ended happily back in the bar with Buster proclaiming that his primary goal of the week, to have fun, had already been substantially met.

All through the week various club members come out to help.  Naming them would only embarrass them.  All week Kath provides the expert winch launches that only a professional can manage every time.

Tuesday 16 April

The wind was stronger and gustier today, providing the ideal opportunity to learn to fly safely in strong gusty winds.  Tim made good progress with John, and Buster went solo after a morning of simulated launch failures.  Yes I know people don't usually go solo on day two, especially in strong winds, but Buster had just a little experience (747 Training Captain with Virgin Atlantic and an ex RAF pilot).  Suzi Sykes-Waller dropped by for some strong wind practice.  The day was soarable and ended with Buster soaring for 25 minutes on his own. "If I had known 30 minutes was an important milestone I would have stayed up longer."

Buster after his first solo. Notice the sky you missed in the background.

Wednesday 17 April

Today saw wind strength increasing even more.  Buster and Tim continued to make progress and Buster went solo again.  Martin Lawrence flew a few times.  Watching Tim and John communicate (Tim is also hearing impaired) helps me realise just how inclusive our sport can be with a little effort and creativity.

Tim and Martin at the launch Point

Gavin and John demonstrate strong wind handling techniques

Thursday 18 April

Today the wind finally defeated us, interspersed with strong showers and line squalls.  IN the morning we spent some time over tea reviewing cross-country preparation and brushing up on our map craft.  In the afternoon we reviewed the BGA safe winch launching video.  Bar opened early.

Friday 19 April

Finally the wind abates and those lilly livered members who have been hiding from the breeze put in an appearance in what becomes one of those "YOU  REALLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE" days.  I empty the hangers at the launch point and everybody flies.  Tim and John fly often and Buster flies the K21 dual before going solo on the Astir and the K8.  Robin goes soaring in his newly ARC'd ASW15 and Jane flies the Astir for the first time in years.  Lucy flies it for the first time EVER!  Numerous soaring flights occur throughout the day with Lech, Richard, Dave, Clive, Graham, John, other John, Paul, other Paul, Russel, Phil, Brian, Bob, Mike, Gail, Eric, Norman, and no doubt half a dozen I've forgotten all taking launches and mostly staying aloft.  Christine flies her K21 under the watchful eye of the CFI, and then above his watchful eye.  67 FLIGHTS on the day and not one broken cable.  A testimony to our professional winch driver's extraordinary ability and stamina.  Thanks Kath.

Tim and John still going strong at the end of the week

 The HUS Syndicate in a huddle

Lucy FINALLY decides to play with the Astir

Notice the concerned look on the CFI's face!