A great start to the Spring Soaring Week with lots of soaring and a number of pilots kicking off proceedings with some good XC Tasks. The weather models were very mixed but suggested that were would have the best on offer and we did - Shenington had more entries on the BGA Ladder today than any other club!!! ( http://www.bgaladder.co.uk/ )
Poor air to the south of the Cotswolds meant that the Vale of Easham was the place to go, and this area was booming with climbs 4-5kt to 5500AMSL. Graham Paul flew furthest with Long Mynd O/R for 214km. Bruno did a superb 137km task in his K13 with Jill (from Bidford in the co-pilots seat) and I managed 177km in a yo-yo between Evesham and Banbury. Mick F did the short (85km) task and Clive managed 75km of his 100km BID-BIC triangle but landed out at Upper Heyford to just fall short of his silver distance middle leg at 48km from his remote start at Bidford...good effort - close but no cigar!