Friday 8 April 2011

And they're off...

The first week of our summer program got underway this week with DW as course instructor with 2 visiting pilots on course, Sven from Germany and Simon from North Hill in Devon. A mixture of winch, A/T and motor-gliding activities have been taking place ranging from ab-initio training and AFRs to instructor prep, with lots of fun flying.

A/X from the weekend, Jimmy B, came back on Wed and had a flight in the Falke, and later Clive did a Field Landing refresher with Lee.

Thursday was busy with John LC flying his DG, the Duo was also out and Ian flew the 20. Eric & Clive flew one of their 3 K6e's. DW had a flight in the 6 and Ian also had a soaring flight.

On the social side Mary did a cook-in on Monday after flying with 12 in attendance! Make the most of the good weather over the weekend - perhaps it's time to fire up the BBQ!