See also www.bgaladder.co.uk for some of the scoring XC flights & Rowan's height gain! Scores also went to Bronze and Silver Legs (Well done Tom Kootchit, Sven Goffart, Clive Smith and Nigel Clarke). Some flights were done without putting them on the ladder and if I found out who you were I have put in an estimated score.
Well done to Graham Paul who acummulated the most points over the week and also leader board runners up; Bruno who did an amazing job showing various club members how to fly the K13 cross country (and land in fields), and visitor Pete Ryland from Tibenham who also helped give Graham some competition.
Congratulations to Clive Smith who wins the week with the highest scoring flight - Sackville Farm out and return to complete his Silver distance and the final part of his Silver Badge, and successfully completing his first field landing (near the water tower at Edghill), and scoring a total of 1820 points.
Well done to all who took part, I think we've all found the bits for rigging our gliders and got the trailers in some sort of order for the summer - which I am reliably informed starts next weekend!! Fly lots and enjoy the sunshine...