Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Final Score
See also www.bgaladder.co.uk for some of the scoring XC flights & Rowan's height gain! Scores also went to Bronze and Silver Legs (Well done Tom Kootchit, Sven Goffart, Clive Smith and Nigel Clarke). Some flights were done without putting them on the ladder and if I found out who you were I have put in an estimated score.
Well done to Graham Paul who acummulated the most points over the week and also leader board runners up; Bruno who did an amazing job showing various club members how to fly the K13 cross country (and land in fields), and visitor Pete Ryland from Tibenham who also helped give Graham some competition.
Congratulations to Clive Smith who wins the week with the highest scoring flight - Sackville Farm out and return to complete his Silver distance and the final part of his Silver Badge, and successfully completing his first field landing (near the water tower at Edghill), and scoring a total of 1820 points.
Well done to all who took part, I think we've all found the bits for rigging our gliders and got the trailers in some sort of order for the summer - which I am reliably informed starts next weekend!! Fly lots and enjoy the sunshine...
Monday, 25 April 2011
The season has just begun...
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Happy Easter
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Very Happy Easter Bunnies!
Well done to Bruno and Gail who clocked up 200km O/R for the best scoring XC flight on the club ladder beating both the turbo boys who raced round the 300km pundit task! Our German guest Sven gets the sticky-bum award for gaining both Silver Height and Silver Duration in the club K8, but happiest bunny of all was Clive Smith who finally completed his Silver Badge with an O/R to Sackville Farm (well nearly...he didn't quite get back to Shenington but did pull off an excellent first field landing a few KMs short of the M40) and popped the Champers at the club BBQ tonight. Thanks to LPCs Tez and Dave S who stayed on the ground keeping the launch-point running smoothly and also to Sue W & Team for organising tonights party whilst we were all out having fun.
Clive pops the Champers!
Friday, 22 April 2011
Staying open to the possibilities...
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Bruno the Brave!
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Bronze Legs & BBQs...
Hot, blue and late to trigger. It was a day to be in wood with Tom K showing the way and eeking out his first Bronze Leg in the Ka8. Bruno launched with Cassie in his K13 and was the only one to go XC, eventually landing out at Long Marsden - bit no de-rigg today, calling for an A/T retrieve instead. Sven got the bit between his teeth and also scratched out a Bronze Leg. Jan & I did a Navex in the Falke around "The President's Triangle". Sue Rogers kindly went into town to get the makings for the first club BBQ of the year and Rowan volunteered to be chef...Scrummy - well done guys!
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Monday, 18 April 2011
3 out of 3
Rowen had the longest flight of the day in his Cirrus (2hr 16min) climbing to over 6000ft, but could not make progress in the poor visibility. Sven took a winch launch in the K8 and managed to stay out for 1hr and 26mins, achieving a leg for Bronze and XC Endorsement - not bad for a pilot who went solo last Tuesday!! Ian flew the ASW20 for 1hr 46, and John Rogers also managed 47mins local soaring. Visitor Pete R from Tibenham took his DG self-launcher around a short task (to a new turnpoint nominated by his other half - Bicester Outlet Village!). Martin L had a quick flight in the K8, Tony T took GCY for a couple of flights, and Jane flew Q5. A good time had by all, hoping for improved forecast in the morning.