Saturday, 27 February 2016

Tuesday 22nd February

10 Stalwarts made it (Sorry if I missed you because you didn't fly and thus didn't appear on the Glidex flying list!), and we had a great day. There were early thermals - Robin showed us the way with an 18 minute flight. The tour de force was at 13:00. The temperature was tolerable, the sun was very pleasant all afternoon but it started to get very cold at 16:30.

Lech and Eric stole a 44 minute, 2700 ft flight in local thermals, triggered by a similar flight in HLH flown by Tim. The grass was too wet to use fully, and we had no cable breaks!

Thanks to the team of 8 who walked the crop field to the North of the cart-track in the unsuccessful search for the missing strop from last Sunday week (keep an eye out everyone) . Sadly Tim, Lech & Eric missed this part of the fun because they were taken up with thermalling!

Spring is here?

Eric (NTD)