Saturday, 27 February 2016

Saturday 20th February

Saturday arrived, and true to form it wasn't very flyable. I think the mid weekers are using up all the good weather!! Luckily we all had the Shenington Annual Dinner to look forward to...

Lech seems surprised!
This year's attendees met up at the bar (where else?) in the Whately Hall Hotel in Banbury at 7:30pm then moved to the main room at 8pm for the main event. The food was good as always, and once we'd eaten Andy Linfield (Chairman!) said a few words.....and I do mean a few, so the speeches were all but non existent! Prizes were awarded to Mick Furseden (Geoff Webster award), Lech Zakrzewski (Highest Achiever), Steve Tilling (Best Flight, for a 500km),  Alistair Frier (most improved pilot) and Jane Jervis (Paul Gibbs Trophy). Phil Marks, our outgoing CFI (in both meanings of the words!) gave the CFI's award for this year to Kevin Hands, for all his efforts on behalf of the club over the years. (You can tell that 2015 wasn't the best year for Cross Country as we didn't have the usual long distance land-out to nominate for the far point trophy!)
rumours of no younger members have been exaggerated!
We had a mad raffle with lots of alcoholic and chocolaty prizes (yes, there's a theme there!), then the band started up in earnest. Liz had organised a proper country band, and a great many club members were cajoled onto the dance floor to participate in proper country dancing. It's harder than it looks, but great fun, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Watching on dance from the table, I am surprised that more people don't get lost whilst gliding - the spatial awareness and general left and right-edness of our members left a lot to be desired!

After the dancing wound up, a number of us repaired to the bar to finish off a brilliant evening. The forecast 40mph+ winds on Sunday meant that we had a drinking forecast so no-one was too worried about getting up early for breakfast.

Many thanks to Liz for organising such an enjoyable event.