After a few cold clear days, it was almost inevitable that Saturday would dawn grey and drizzly! It was also surprisingly cold, so we sat in the clubhouse and reviewed the conditions through the window whilst drinking tea! It was not to be a gliding day as the weather worsened, but Mary had cooked borscht and bread rolls for lunch, followed by apple cake, so we all tucked in early, then went off to do various jobs. Lucy, arriving at the 'normal' lunchtime, was left hungry as we'd finished all of the food!
In the evening a gang of us (Andy, Jackie + Kev, Lucy, Rowan, Alistair,Liz, Eric, Tess & John) went down to the Roebuck to help celebrate Nick Saul's 60th birthday. We enjoyed the buffet, drinks and company - as you can see from the photo below!