Saturday 26 May 2012

Thursday 24th May

Another hot blue day, thermals did not really get workable for mere mortals until late pm, but needless to say John Rogers managed to make something of it.

Patrick Taylor re-soloed after a 12 year layoff and converted into the K8, so very well done to him.

Charlie Millward converted to the K8 under the tutelage of Tim Donovan, and then demonstrated the perfect landing to everyone. Martin Jones proved it wasnt a fluke and soloed again.

Harry Abrahams got one step further to completing his bronze C by giving a superb field landing performance, the race is now on---will it be Tez or Harry that gets there first?

Mike Reeves had a one day course, and was landing the aircraft with prompting from the back by the end of the day---well done Mike.

Thanks to the whole team for making this a great fun day.
