Tuesday 29 May 2012

Monday 28 May

Winds forecast 200/05, visibility 25K and blue.

A very productive training day, thermals didnt really become reliable until late pm.

Welcome to Richard Saint, who hasnt flown in a glider for nearly 3 years. Some intensive training on a one day course got him solo again and flying the K8.

Alex Nicholls who had a trial lesson 2 months and 5 days ago (so whos counting?) went off on his first solo today, so very well done to him.

Kevin Hall took a trial lesson in a glider. kevin is working his way through the various experiences, having already parachuted and had a crack at hang gliding.

Dave Smith decided to give it a go in the duo, and proved it wasnt really soarable around midday.

A very good day again.
