Wednesday, 7 November 2018

** Registration Details for 2019 **

The Shenington Regionals entry will be by Google Forms. The entry form can be found at

The form is quite simple and only a minimum amount of contact information is needed so you don’t need to worry about registering loggers or up-loading files. We will chase you for that later!

Please note that the entry will open at exactly 20:00 GMT on Thursday 15th November and any entries received before this time will be excluded. (You can of course check out the form beforehand). Google forms will time-stamp your entry to the second using their own time servers and the entry and reserve list will be on a first come - first entered basis. If there are multiple entries with the same time stamp we will hold a lottery to determine priority. We will endeavour to publish the entry list on the Shenington Regionals Site within a day or two.

The entry fee will be £220 as last year, and we ask that a deposit of £50 is paid by 21st December, with the balance paid by 28th February 2019.

We look forward to seeing you in 2019