The weekend forecast was bad to say the least - seems a bit of a pattern recently - so what with the strong winds, low cloud and snow flurries there was no flying on Saturday (and indeed none on Sunday either).
Last night was the club AGM. The two constitution proposals have gone back to the new committee for revision and clarification, so no changes there. With half the old committee standing down, we had a vote for a new committee. Firstly, thanks very much to the outgoing Treasurer Christine, and Secretary Jon plus committee members Terry & Bob for all their efforts over the last few years on our behalf. Also thanks to everyone who came last night in spite of the poor weather, or sent votes in by proxy or email. It was good to see a strong turnout.
Our new Chairman is Paul Duffy, with Dave Price taking on secretary, and Brent stepping up to difficult the job of Treasurer. The remaining committee members are Lucy, Lech, Andrew & Iain. So now it's up to us to give them lots of support during the year.
We also owe a big thank you to Phil B for the last 10 months effort. He has now gone back to being 'President' with some relief, and we hope to see him flying a bit more this year.
Next (currently) planned events are :
- Loughborough UGC visit week 9-13 April
- Visit from the BGA Juniors on weekend of 13-15th April
- Hosting Interclub w/e at Shenington - early May bank holiday
- the 10th Shenington Regionals - end June