Hurrah!! At least we had a great day at the weekend, and the private gliders were out in earnest as well as the club kit.
After such a poor run of bad weather it was good to blow off the cobwebs and do more than a circuit. The cloud base went up from 2300ft to 4000ft in the hour I was in the air, and John reported it up to over 5000ft later in the afternoon.
Please note, a silver height day for anyone who needed one and was prepared with a logger!
Dave P got to fly his new glider, and very smart it looks too.
The view from the winch was just as good towards the end of the day. Down to the launchpoint....
And watching the CFI get away in a K8 above the winch....
A great day was had by all, and the duty crew did a stirling job making sure that everyone flew. We had a bar full of happy pilots after the hangar doors shut, then nine of us went off to the Roebuck for an evening meal.
The Dubliners are coming for a visit tomorrow so here's hoping that the weather holds out for them.