Thursday, 29 March 2018

Meanwhile in Spain.....

Our President Phil was competing in the European Masters Athletic Indoor Championships in Madrid last week! He did rather well - 2nd in the 800m, 3rd in the 1500m and 5km cross country run, and 4th in the 3000m. This is Phil just avoiding tripping over another competitor as he races for the line.

Thursday 29th March

Steve is making great progress up in the top hangar!

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Monday 26th March

Two more soaring pictures from Monday were sent to me this week:

Steve Tilling sent this fantastic photo taken from the K8 at 5,700ft over Shenington:

Meanwhile Graham P flew a 230k  flight in his JS1 (EDG-SB1-BED-EDG), and sent this photo of Rutland Water:

Monday, 26 March 2018

Sunday 25th March

Hurrah!! At least we had a great day at the weekend, and the private gliders were out in earnest as well as the club kit. 

After such a poor run of bad weather it was good to blow off the cobwebs and do more than a circuit. The cloud base went up from 2300ft to 4000ft in the hour I was in the air, and John reported it up to over 5000ft later in the afternoon. 

Please note, a silver height day for anyone who needed one and was prepared with a logger!

Dave P got to fly his new glider, and very smart it looks too.

The view from the winch was just as good towards the end of the day. Down to the launchpoint....

And watching the CFI get away in a K8 above the winch....
A great day was had by all, and the duty crew did a stirling job making sure that everyone flew. We had a bar full of happy pilots after the hangar doors shut, then nine of us went off to the Roebuck for an evening meal. 

The Dubliners are coming for a visit tomorrow so here's hoping that the weather holds out for them.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Saturday 24th March

While the weekend weather curse continues, some people are working in the top hangar.....

Clive sent these photos of Steve working on the walls of our new toilet & shower block, which will improve our on site facilities for both club members and visitors over summer. 

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Wed 21st March

Graham P flew about 140km today, but had to use the engine from Little Rissington. He sent this photo of the Severn river and estuary, and reports that it was very cold!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

March XC

Graham sent this photo from last week. He did a 110km O/R to the North East. Photo from near Hus Bos - looks a definite improvement on the current weather!

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Weekend 17th-18th March

Well, the mid-weekers have had some nice weather midweek - no thermals, but lovely clear & sunny skies that lasted long enough to get people back in the air. (Clive put a nice video on facebook if you have access....)

The weekend forecast was bad to say the least -  seems a bit of a pattern recently - so what with the strong winds, low cloud and snow flurries there was no flying on Saturday (and indeed none on Sunday either).

Last night was the club AGM. The two constitution proposals have gone back to the new committee for revision and clarification, so no changes there. With half the old committee standing down, we had a vote for a new committee. Firstly, thanks very much to the outgoing Treasurer Christine, and Secretary Jon plus committee members Terry & Bob for all their efforts over the last few years on our behalf. Also thanks to everyone who came last night in spite of the poor weather, or sent votes in by proxy or email. It was good to see a strong turnout.

Our new Chairman is Paul Duffy, with Dave Price taking on secretary, and Brent stepping up to difficult the job of Treasurer. The remaining committee members are Lucy, Lech, Andrew & Iain. So now it's up to us to give them lots of support during the year.

We also owe a big thank you to Phil B for the last 10 months effort. He has now gone back to being 'President' with some relief, and we hope to see him flying a bit more this year.

Next (currently) planned events are :

  • Loughborough UGC visit week 9-13 April
  • Visit from the BGA Juniors on weekend of 13-15th April
  • Hosting Interclub w/e at Shenington  - early May bank holiday
  • the 10th Shenington Regionals - end June
Do get involved if you can!
