Thursday, 17 March 2016

Thursday 17th March

Has Summer arrived?

A few of us arrived at Shenington this morning fired up by a optimistic forecast, Jon Carlton and Joe were engrossed with a representative from Cherwell District Council discussing the proposed alterations to the airfield’s planning  permission, Graham P and Alan C rigging the JS1, George taking his PIK out of it’s trailer to warm up in the sunshine while we carried out some basic maintenance to the winch then trundled CCC out and by noon we were ready for action!

Weather conditions were ideal, a cool NE breeze with plenty of sunshine although visibility somewhat poor, Lech took CCC first and managed a 1 hour flight reaching 3300’ where visibility precluded going any higher, HLH was dragged into service, in which Bob K disappeared for well over an hour while Graham took his JS1 for an aerotow. Eric and Paul B in CCC managed a 45 minute jaunt, Gail arrived later during the afternoon and together with George also managed a similar length flight, on their return Bob hangar-landed the K8, we then packed up and opened the bar! 

Only 5 winch flights (plus the aerotow) but with such great conditions everyone seemed satisfied with their accomplishments.
