Monday, 14 March 2016

Saturday 12th March

Set off to the club in sunshine, and all was well (though foggy in the hollows) till we drove through Edgehill village! It was foggy at the club, with the added irritation of it being a go kart day, limiting what we could do with a very light south easterly.
We all drank tea, and watched the fog ebb and flow around the windsock. Paul N & Steve rigged their DG800, and Mary completed her soup cooking. Just before lunchtime we had a clearance and took CCC up to the top of the North South runway. As 3 vehicles had got stuck on the grass the previous day, it was decided to stick to one wire, and to keep off the grass. Watching the first launch I was surprised to see how poor the launch was given the long run. That's when I discovered that we had the winch sat at the junction of the short hard runway to minimise the risk of dropping the wire on the go kart track! Anyway, we carried on, getting 800-1000ft launches, but at least getting to fly. Paul F did the first run of winching, till we hit a problem with CCC at around 2:15pm. The main wheel seized up completely at the launch point, so we declared the glider U/S and tried to unblock the wheel of mud. Half an hour later we had a small pile of mud, but were no further forward, so a team went to get the K8, whilst Rowan & Lucy took the wheel off the K13. One pile of mud later, we were back in action, but now with 2 gliders at the launch point! After this we were very efficient and managed to get everyone flying at least a couple of times. We all tried to soar, but nothing doing, and we were all quite grateful to get 5 minute circuits after the shorter earlier flights!! Pilots included Paul F, Paul D, Robb, Lucy, Rowan, John W, Tess, Graeme & Robin. 

An excellent day's flying in the end, and it was good to blow off the cobwebs, our two visitors also enjoyed their flights.

After flying a group of us went off to the pub for a meal.