This day was predicted as a scrub, with about 4 fronts due overhead, so getting up late to a grey day I was shocked to be told to grid! There was a chance of a brief weather window, so there was a mass rig & grid at the North end of the north south run. The wind swung round making for an interesting cross wind wherever we were, and the weather window didn't really appear so we scrubbed after lunch. Alan organised a Comps forum for any interested competitors in the afternoon, and there was a long discussion in the restaurant. Pam Z and daughter (with a bit of help from Lech) prepared a Polish feast for the evening meal, and we had Hunters Stew (Bigos) plus cheesecake for dinner. The food was great and most people had seconds as well.
After the meal the vast majority of the competitiors and organisers squashed into the clubhouse/bar for the famous Shenington Quiz, run by Paul & Lucy. The quiz had a gliding theme, and the main aim was to retain height for your team glider as you flew across the artwork on the wall!!
Paul & Lucy had made this task especially difficult as there were lots more ways to lose height than gain it! Each team had a thermal question at the end of each round. Answering correctly gave you a chance to spin the 'Wheel of Whiting' for a cloud strength (see below!) and we were reminded that air goes down as well as up!! As you can see above, it didn't take long before each team was
scrabbling in the weeds, and there was no risk at all of an airspace
Can't remember who won (not my team for sure) but a fun night was had by all. Thanks to Paul & Lucy for putting so much effort into the evening.