Wednesday, 1 July 2015

June 23rd - Regionals Day 3

Another sunny and windy day, and we all rigged and gridded again (ok, not me - I bowed out of the day as I didn't feel well). The wind was blowing a fair hooley so a small task was set out to Pershore and Alcester, then off they went! 

Not flying meant that I was available to go on retrieve, and the second leg of the task claimed over a third of the competitors! Off I went to collect Rowan & C2 from a field which also contained my old glider C34! A very good field and easy retrieve. Most of us were back early enough to partake in Phil's Chilli Wurst night, though some of us sadly missed the talk from Tom Corfield of the local 'Cats Brewery'. (There is still some beer stocked in the bar though so do give it a try!).
Ian Campbell won the day in his LS8, competing the task in one hour and ten minutes!