Guess what?? Grey and windy weather forecast for the weekend, which I imagine is why it was quiet! The usual suspects sat around drinking tea in the morning waiting for the cloud base to rise, and the potential rain to pass, which it did around midday. Leaving the glider fettlers/repairers (and Derrick working on the simulater), we got out DVX and decamped to the eight acre where our three attendant instructors (Dave P, John W and Paul F on a day off!) took it in turns to fly our various pupils and visitors. Both John & Paul had soaring flights with the Badby boys, a mixture of ridge and thermal in spite of fairly grey looking skies.
Rowan rigged C2 for the first time this season and tried out his new instrument panel. Later in the afternoon it looked rather good....!! Had a late attempt at the ridge with Paul which was more of a reduced downward glide, but fun nevertheless. Gail & Robin flew together as well. Rowan managed to fit in an aerotow with a trial lesson before we ran out of pilots.
Thanks to Robin & Shaun for doing all of the winching. True to form it was a beautifully sunny evening, and we all went down the pub, once we'd tried out the new beer from our local brewery at Sugarswell!