The curse of the Bank Hol weekend stuck again last week. A few dogged individuals managed to brave the weather on Saturday and Sunday, as Eric reports:
"Saturday, Gary managed a creditable 21 mins in DVX, Russell flew a couple of TL’s and Brent and Lech kept the ball in
the air.
Monday was less disappointing than the weekend, and was
forecast to be sunny and thermic! Arrived at the club just in time to see
Graham disappearing off into the blue yonder in 60. Rigged H20 and ambled up to
the launchpoint, where Bruno had been off soaring in DVX with a course member,
and G2 had been soaring off the winch. Paul M had his Cirrus ready for launch
and Paul N was about to go xc in his DG800…..
Pinged off a few more launches
from the eight acre, then swopped ends due to the stiff South westerlies, and
moved to the North end of the long run. Top cover began to come in after lunch,
then it went a bit blue, then cycled again to give some nice clouds before the top cover encroached again after 3pm.
Clive & Phil went flying in the chipmunk, and Paul M
went off in the Falke when the day got less soarable. We had a late visitor
from Aston Down en route home. Graham was last one home having completed almost 400km of a 530km task. Altogether a nice day and the best slot from the weekend.
Thanks to Bruno & Kath for their usual efficient running of the airfield.