Monday, 27 August 2018

Competitions & Results!!

A big congratulations to Leigh and Martyn Wells who came first and second in the Standard Class Nationals at Aston Down last week!

Last week was a busy week for club members competing in gliding competitions. Graham Paul was flying the Open Nationals, and Lucy was competing in the Junior Nationals at Lasham. Lucy, flying the only wooden glider in a competition that had difficult weather and was - oddly - not using DHTs or AATs, had a good week for field landings, and found some cracking fields. If you don't land out you're not trying....

Another three crews of assorted club members were competing in the Two Seater Comp at Pocklington in East Yorkshire. Alan & Trish, Bob & Jan, Paul F and Tim D took their respective gliders up north for the week, and looks like they flew at the start of the week though I'm guessing from the results that they had the same poor weather as us later on.

With the end of the competitions it feels like the season is already drawing to a close, but there's still lots of good soaring & cross country flying to be had so don't hang up your parachute just yet....