The small group of Paul Lech Graham and Dave Price turned up to
try the forecast northerly despite the cold.
We were joined by 2 air experience who had come on to site to eat lunch, to them be persuaded by Lech that they wanted to fly. The hill had worked moderately well,but feeling cold we were going to stop but Lech and I decided to use the last cable. Launching to 1600 ft in the K21 we reached the water tower at 1300ft but then climbed back to 1500ft on the return run. The hill was now working spectacularly well and for a time our height was limited by a lowering cloudbase. Cold and fading light finally persuaded us to return.
We were joined by 2 air experience who had come on to site to eat lunch, to them be persuaded by Lech that they wanted to fly. The hill had worked moderately well,but feeling cold we were going to stop but Lech and I decided to use the last cable. Launching to 1600 ft in the K21 we reached the water tower at 1300ft but then climbed back to 1500ft on the return run. The hill was now working spectacularly well and for a time our height was limited by a lowering cloudbase. Cold and fading light finally persuaded us to return.
Photo looking along top of hill. Same field on Tuesday.