Saturday, 16 September 2017

April 2017

Oh dear - catch up time!
April saw some mixed weather with some nice days.
 Alan & Tim sent these from a cross country.
Harry's Mum agreed to a flight, just to see what it was all about!

Ivan took 'Lucy of Kineton' on a voyage around the club field in the hovercraft one day.

Rowan's Cirrus came back all shiny from her regel in Poland.

Patrick finally flew his Discus.
 Jessie and son with grandad Mike at the airfield. 
 Some days the weather was great!

 Sooty 'had the op' just in time to prevent more bundles of fun from arriving. She doesn't seem to bear any grudges and here you can see her fun growing back.
Andy J has his first flight on a windy and miserable day. He joined anyway!! Some days the weather wasn't too great.

 Lots of pretty flowers in the grass triangle, prior to the big mowing.