Sunday, 19 March 2017

Saturday 18th March

AGM Day, and there was a good turn out for the 6pm meeting in spite of poor weekend weather (yet again!). Phil Brennan ran the meeting as President, and we had a summary of the key events of the year from Andy Linfield, followed by Christine Bell presenting the finances. Andy is stepping down as Chairman so there was a vote of thinks for all of his efforts. Alan Langlands brought his BGA award to show the club - he felt it was a testament to the club's efforts as well as his own in running the Regionals.

We had a contest for the position of Chairman and after a close vote Martin Jones was confirmed as our new Chairman. Secretary and Treasurer stay with Jon C and Christine, with the rest of the committee comprising Terry Turner, Lucy Wootton, Paul Duffy and Lech Zakrzewski. They will of course continue to need the full support of all club members!

Graham P gave a brief presentation about the new Cross Country initiative being organised by himself and Al Cook. Subscribe to Whatapp and send Graham your comtact details if you want to be part of the messaging group. 

After the meeting a number of people stayed to eat and chat, so a pleasant evening all round.