Tuesday 16th August.
We used to have a slogan on an old design of the club
sweatshirt that said “You should have been here yesterday!”. Derek greeted me with that phrase, as
apparently Monday had been blue but booming. Phil E. had done his five hours in a K6,
actually staying up for six and a half hours.
We can’t turn back the clock, so we made the best we could
of Tuesday. Christopher Stean was getting to grips with winch launches on the
second day of his 5-day course. We had a few air experience visitors, including
Mahir Said, who came all the way from Bristol. Mahir looked a bit nervous
before the flight, but was beaming a smile afterwards, which is the sequence we
John R., Eric and Rob B. brought the T21 out. One of Beth’s flights was
an epic 18 minutes! Terry T. and I shared the K8, and Roger T. flew his Twin
Astir. Tony M. brought his brother-in-law for a reciprocal visit, as he glides
at Staffordshire G.C.
No-one climbed beyond 2400ft, or went very far, but we did
30 launches, and the day was enjoyed by all.
Dave P.