Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Saturday 27th August

After the sun comes the weather....well, it was Bank Holiday weekend after all! 
Waited for the low cloud and drizzle to clear, then managed a few flights on the winch before abandoning our post for light rain. This turned out to be a mistake as the light rain turned into a torrential downpour, with thunder (and lightening) that caused the clubhouse to shudder, and the K13 & K8 were parked up in the top hangar. Dave H took some nice photos as the storm finally passed on:

After it cleared we brought them back down and gave the gliders and winch a good clean, then went out for dinner at the Roebuck.

The mystery of Smudge's kittens was finally solved! There are three of them and they are living under the clubhouse at present, unless Christine has managed to catch them when trying to get Smudge to the vet.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Friday 26th August

Sun again, but this time a reduction in temperature after the warm sector from yesterday, and some pretty cumulus clouds. Mass rigging at the launchpoint as the the various members on holiday today got their gliders out and primed for unquestionably the best day of the week. There was no consensus on which way to go as those without engines didn't fancy Welsh fields and there was a feeling that it might go blue. So Steve T & Phil A both headed out west to Wales, whilst Graeme H, John W, John R, Rowan, Gordon C et. al. did a Midlands circuit ranging from Pershore down to Didcot via various TPs.

Just for a moment mid afternoon we got rid of every single glider! Peace....

Back at base Gavin sent 14 year old Chandler Pegg solo, a great achievement. Meanwhile Robb Batty went off in the motorglider with Bruno to do field landing checks and duly completed his cross country endorsement. A great day for our juniors.
The club gliders were kept busy, and the K8 went soaring with Patrick and myself - climbs and view were marvellous. What a great day.

In the evening Josh cooked for us all, and we had an extra treat when we finally found Smudge's kittens! Almost grown up, and this our first view of the three of them. Anyone want a kitten??  These may be the last as Christine is planning to (try to) get Smudge to the vet on Wed!

Monday, 29 August 2016

Wednesday 24th August

Another blue day - even hotter today and no-one bothered getting the private gliders out as it was just too stable. Gavin was mega busy all day, with Terry Mc, Rowan and John W all helping out with visitor and instructional flights. Derek cracked on with BI training with Lech so more 'interesting' aerotows and launch failures. Dave P did a great job of keeping the launch point organised, and also getting the solo pilots launched off in the K8/K13. A long but satisfying day. Phil A cooked carbonara and fruit salad for all us Shenington holiday makers in the evening which was great. I don't remember any rain but we had a rather nice rainbow followed by some amazing sunset colours last thing.

Tuesday 23rd August

Another very hot and blue (and windy!) day at the airfield. Gavin was in charge with a couple of course members, with Terry Mc helping out with trial lessons and general instructing. Various club members on holiday rigged their gliders only to find it not massively thermic due to the strong inversion and extreme (for UK!) heat.....John R, Rowan, Phil A and John W all launched but no-one stayed up very long.

Meanwhile back at base Derek W was putting Al & Paul D and myself through the BI course again which made for some very interesting aerotows and winch flights. Charles Birks re-soloed after a break from gliding.

 A big thanks to Alan C for organising the launch point and making sure that everyone flew. Photos from Rowan.

Wednesday 17th August

Not to be outdone, Wednesday was also hot and blue and the time for more achievements. Phil Hebden flew his silver distance to Sackville whilst syndicate partner Lucy did her silver duration in the K8 back at Shenington. Robb Batty had his first solo flight in the K21, achieving his 2 hour duration flight for the cross country endorsement. Congratulations to all! Photos from Eric of 2 out of the 3 happy pilots.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Tuesday 16th August.

We used to have a slogan on an old design of the club sweatshirt that said “You should have been here yesterday!”.  Derek greeted me with that phrase, as apparently Monday had been blue but booming.  Phil E. had done his five hours in a K6, actually staying up for six and a half hours.

We can’t turn back the clock, so we made the best we could of Tuesday. Christopher Stean was getting to grips with winch launches on the second day of his 5-day course. We had a few air experience visitors, including Mahir Said, who came all the way from Bristol. Mahir looked a bit nervous before the flight, but was beaming a smile afterwards, which is the sequence we like. 

John R., Eric and Rob B. brought the T21 out. One of Beth’s flights was an epic 18 minutes! Terry T. and I shared the K8, and Roger T. flew his Twin Astir. Tony M. brought his brother-in-law for a reciprocal visit, as he glides at Staffordshire G.C.

No-one climbed beyond 2400ft, or went very far, but we did 30 launches, and the day was enjoyed by all.

Dave P. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Saturday 6th August

Busy takes on a whole new meaning when you have trial lessons, a day course, and visits by both Kent and Dublin Gliding Clubs all at once, with a volunteer crew. All credit to Alan C for keeping things organised at the launch point and ensuring that people got flying. We did an excellent 55 launches during the day, and had all the gliders out, including BeTH. Thanks to Paul F & Russell for working hard all day to see that people got flown.

Joe got on with the combining in the rape field, and Andy L took the opportunity inbetween retrieves to follow the combine and collect all of our kit that had been lost there over the last few months. Total score at the end of Saturday - three strops & a shockrope. Result!

Sunday, 7 August 2016

PS Sunday 24th July

Rowan took these nice photos of Bob's Capstan out on the field. Bob was taking granddaughter Amy for her first flight in a glider.

Saturday 30th July

Another busy but sunny day. We had two day courses booked as well as some trial flights so Russell & Dave P were kept busy all day. The soaring part of the day was not over long which probably explains the limited number of private gliders out to play. 

Alan C kindly helped out with the afternoon LPC slot so that I could take my nephew Will up for his first flights in a glider. I'm hoping we have another convert though it will be another year or so till we can see if he's willing to come on a gliding course!

Saturday 23rd July

A very busy day. Lots of visitors, lots of clubs members, and some soarable weather. John W was kept busy all day with a stream of visitors, and a number of club members wanting instruction. Brent and Bob P had a hard job getting it all organised but did a sterling job. Rob Felton resoloed, then later in the day did his first flight of an hour in the K8. Alex Phillips also resoloed, and had his first solo flight in a K8. 

Dee continued her training, and has some thermalling flights as well in the K21.

I flew with Derek W, and Derek also helped out with some trial lessons, as did Gail later on - thanks both, much appreciated as we were very short on instructors! It was Liz's birthday, and she very kindly organised a salad & (indoor) BBQ tea for us all after our late finish, with a fruit pudding and cake too. Happy Birthday Liz!