Sunday, 20 December 2015

Sunday 17th December

Sunday commenced in glorious sunshine but with only a few members arriving to fly, Tom had decided that if insufficient members wanted to fly by 10:00hrs the day would be scrubbed, four of us had turned up before 10:00hrs so flying was on!
Looking at the launch point after the rain
Unfortunately the vehicles and winch hadn’t run for a couple of weeks, the tractor turned out to be the only bit of kit with a charged battery so it was used to start the rest of the equipment. CCC was dragged out plus Trish and Alan rigged their DG for an airing, by 11:30hrs 13 members and guests were at the launch-point. A heavy rain shower spoiled play at around 13:00hrs, CCC was temporarily put back in it’s hangar and we took lunch in the Club House, Mary’s soup and cakes all vanished in approximately 20 minutes!

lunchtime soup....
 The sun reappeared at 14:00hrs and flying resumed until 16:00hrs, by which time we had 13 launches, great fun! 
