Monday, 21 September 2015

Sunday 20th Sept

A very odd day! It was sunny in town but foggy elsewhere (M40 was closed briefly), and the team didn't get started till late morning due to the mist/fog and low cloud. A nice start with sunshine, the promise of thermals and a few people in shorts/sandals. This didn't last sadly! George very kindly stood in for Phil M as DI, and flew with Alex Phillips while Clive, Tim & John W helped out with our Trial lesson visitors. Club members slotted in with solo flights.
Leslie, back from France and addicted to gliding as ever, had a few solos, and we has some visitors from Oxford GC who had come to try aerotowing. Patrick & Leslie have wasted no time learning how to drive the winch, and both helped out yesterday. Longest flight of the day was flown by Alisdair in the K6E, and after that there were mainly extended circuits. Here's hoping for better weather next week.....