Friday, 28 August 2015

Saturday 22nd August

From the sublime to the ridiculous....where did the heat come from?? All week it has been very pleasant, suddenly on Saturday the temperature soared and we all broiled.

Predictably, after 5 days of grey skies there was another rigging frenzy. Lech rigged Q5, we rigged H20, Eric had HJD out, the DG100 came out of the T hangar, and Paul N got out his DG202 to show a prospective purchaser. Graham meanwhile set another task out east for 60 declaring BSE O/R. Russell was kept busy with plenty of visitors and new trainee Zanna, though Clive and Derek W were also there to help. (Derek & Sylvia came over to visit Frid night and are coming to fly with us again).

The sky was very odd - we had a strange assortment of cloud formations which did not look typical of a good soaring day and it took a while for any soaring to start. We were forecast possible thunderstorms later so everyone was keen to get off, and in fact we saw some huge cbs in the distance though we were never in the rain. Graham hit the blue conditions just beyond Cambridge and said it was like sea air, he cut the task short to stay in the good air. Most of the others stayed closer, and there was a mass derig at about 3:30pm when rain looked imminent.
We packed in not long after 5pm as most people had had enough of the heat, and once the hangar was packed we lounged around outside trying to get cool. A trip to the chip shop finished off the day and the club cats did quite well out of it!