Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Weekend 21-22 March 2015

Stuck in Birmingham last Sat/Sun as I was, due to work, I gather that I missed a lovely Spring weekend! 

Cold temperatures overnight then blue skies and some cloud meant that there was good soaring to be had. Dave Price, having done his LPC slot, had his just rewards with over an hour's soaring at what appeared to be cloud base. Paul Noonan went off flying in his glider,  Graham Paul went flying with Paul Mucha in 60, but couldn't manage a take off on the grass from the top field with the light winds (go karters being in residence). A second attempt on the North south run was apparently much more satisfactory! Robb Batty had his first 'real' awkward height cable break in CCC and made an excellent job of the recovery and landing. He flew the K8 later, together with other members. New junior member Alex Phillips was introduced to the joys of gliding and was a great help at the launchpoint all weekend. Meanwhile Christine and Clive were doing some training in the tug and we had some visitors to take flying as well.

Thanks to Alan & Trish for driving the winch most of the day, and Mary for cooking soup and cake. Let's hope we have more of the same next week. (NB. Last soup this coming w/e, then back to fending for ourselves, except for the 'juniors' weekend and the regionals week when there will be plenty of food and cakes! You have been warned..... ).