Saturday 16th August
The weather looked worse than had been forecast,
with a 15kt Westerly making catching low thermals difficult. We had a viable
number to run the field, and provide Air Ex flights. We only did 18 launches
from which the longest flights were by Dave Smith (1hr25m), Andy Moore (56m)
and I managed 52 minutes.
The otherwise uneventful day was enlivened by
the arrival of an unusual visitor; Justin Wills arrived in a 1934 Schleicher
Rohn Bussard. He had flown downwind from Bidford. The Bussard (BGA no.337) was
originally imported to Britain by Sir Alan Cobham for his flying circus
displays. It has not left the UK since, and is probably the only one of its
type still flying. Rowan gave Justin a slow and gentle aerotow back to Bidford.
Dave Price