Sunday, 17 August 2014

Saturday 16th August

The weather looked worse than had been forecast, with a 15kt Westerly making catching low thermals difficult. We had a viable number to run the field, and provide Air Ex flights. We only did 18 launches from which the longest flights were by Dave Smith (1hr25m), Andy Moore (56m) and I managed 52 minutes. 

The otherwise uneventful day was enlivened by the arrival of an unusual visitor; Justin Wills arrived in a 1934 Schleicher Rohn Bussard. He had flown downwind from Bidford. The Bussard (BGA no.337) was originally imported to Britain by Sir Alan Cobham for his flying circus displays. It has not left the UK since, and is probably the only one of its type still flying.  Rowan gave Justin a slow and gentle aerotow back to Bidford.

Dave Price

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Saturday 9th August

A brilliant day here at Shenington. The launch point was buzzing with activity. Some of the Kent visitors stayed on to fly today, with congratulations going to Chris Parsons, who successfully completed his 50km to Sackville Farm. Congratulations were also in order to some of the Kent visitors earlier in the week, namely Ian Russell for completing a 300km and Mike Worthington for also doing 50km to Sackville.

Alistair and Norman were flying their K6e, 'Ruby,' Nigel was also flying his K6 and Charles and I flew DNW, It was great to have so many K6s flying on the same day.

John Donovan set of on a task towards St Neots, having made the turn point, he had to fly via Kettering and Northampton to make it back, avoiding a large blue hole.

Smiling launch point helpers!

Charles about to fly DNW

Interesting sky over the airfield!

The club K13s and K21 were busy with two day courses, as well as trial lessons. Tim had two friends visiting, Zoltan and Balasz, both tug pilots from Husbands Bosworth, Zoltan flying his Kestrel 17 for several hours!

The tug was kept very busy all day with 9 aerotows and an aerotow retrieve to Sackville.

Thanks to the duty crew and everyone who helped to make today such a success with a total of 49 launches and some very long flights.

The day ended with a superb meal, as always, prepared by Liz for 25 people! Thank you.