Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Saturday 3rd May

Another fine day at Shenington!

We started with blue skies and small wispy clouds though it went blue in the late afternoon. We launched from the top field, and K13, Skylark and Jaffa were all kept busy with a mixture of visitors and club flying. Mary brought some of her family along for flights with Russell and Derrick.

There were also plenty of private gliders out. Graham Paul went off in 60 on some epic task. Alan & Trish took off in JYR for a declared 500km and did around 335km of the task, going out to Rattlesden in Suffolk and visiting Upwood on the way home when conditions weren't as good as forecast. Dave Smith flew his shiny new LS6 while 373 had multiple soaring flights with Eric & Andy, and Robin & Jon flew G2. H20 finally made it out of her trailer for the first time this year and had the cobwebs blown off in three soaring flights.

It was nice to see our new tug getting so much use. Nearly a third of the launches were aerotow and many people pulled off early and saved money under our new charging system.

After flying a number of us went down to the pub for tea.