Yes, you've guessed it. Sunday dawned grey and miserable - more low cloud, a lot more people on site, nothing much happening! After copious amounts of tea, Mary hosted a impromptu marketing discussion around the clubhouse table and lots of ideas were bounced about. After this Mary cleaned the kitchen, and the two Johns fixed the broken toilet in the Ladies! Members of the K6 mafia were fettling trailers and polishing bodywork...
Seemingly defeated by the weather we went off to Tesco mid afternoon to get some food for an evening meal, and arrived back at 4pm to see the skies clearing and little cumulus popping over the airfield. At this point we all decided to go flying, and the K8 and CPJ were dragged out to the launchpoint up at the farmyard, with Andy manning the winch.
Rowan & John R had flights in CPJ, as did Eric & Andy. Robin & John W and Tess flew the K8.
We did 8 flights, out of which 3 were decent soaring flights, then we packed up the kit around 6:30pm feeling that we'd gained a bonus from the day! See right for some of the team posing at our informal launchpoint >
Later that evening 14 of us sat down to a dinner of pork stroganoff, followed by fruit crumble (Shenington blackberries foraged by Phil A from dingley dell) and a few glasses of wine. Bob & Jan arrived back from Pocklington just in time to eat, and Eric (td) was clearly pleased to see Colin back from his round the UK trips to Clacton & Yorkshire.
Andy caught this photo of Eric modelling his new 'trailer work/derigging' anti head injury hat: