Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Sunday 21st July

Another Sunday, another duty! After a week of sweltering conditions and good soaring (yes, I know, highly unusual for the UK) the weekend was forecast to be a bit of a disappointment. However club members have been enjoying themselves midweek and I think there are a few achievements to be reported, particularly in the case of our visitor from Greece.

In the fortnight since I was last here Stephanos has gone solo, finished his bronze, completed the cross country endorsement, and done silver height and silver duration.....oh, and he's learnt to drive the winch  - good to see that there's been no time wasted then! He's managed to extend his stay for a few days so hopefully the weather will permit a 50km flight this week so that he can go home with the full set of paperwork. 

Bush telegraph also suggests that Lech might have done silver height during the week, and I'm sure there must have been some other interesting flights too. Alan L and Graham P were over at Bidford flying in the Regionals last week (7 xc days in a row...), while Eric, Lucy, Jackie & Kev were at a task week at the Long Mynd with 373.

So on Sunday we were quiet and very relaxed at getting started due to the low cloud base but eventually we did get the kit out and ambled up to the farm end of the grass strip. Jane & Gail were our BI's for the day and they flew with the trial lessons, then Stephanos did some solo aerotow practice once the clouds had gone up. There was not a lot in the way of soaring, but Liz, Charles S, Jon L, Tess, Rowan all had a trip in CCC. Jon L won the longest flight of the day in the club kit but said it was tricky as the thermals were 'spanish'! Clive also took Liz flying in the Falke.   

We were also visited by the Kidd family - Chris & Paulina and their two daughters Alicia & Eloise - who were SGC members before moving back to New Zealand 10 years ago. (Chris used to have a share in 373 together with me & John, as part of a 2 glider, 4 people syndicate).  Some of you may remember the girls toddling around, now they're 11 & 13...

Chris went gliding for the first time in 10 years with Gary in the DG (longest flight of the day), and was very surprised at all of the changes the club has undergone. As well as a few dear friends we've also lost the cows, the crop triangle and various barbed wire fences since Chris last flew here. 

During the afternoon the various wanderers began to return - Jackie & Kev to help with the winch; Alan L flying back in from Bidford in JYR; CFI Phil bringing the tug back from Bidford; the first of our friends from Bowland arriving to spend some time with us over the next couple of weeks. We had a pleasant day though no epic feats to report. Thanks to everyone who helped out at the launchpoint, especially those who didn't fly.

And now it's Tuesday and I hope you're all enjoying some good gliding whilst I'm at work - I look forward to hearing about it soon.