After Tess' report on Saturday's flying, Sunday was certainly a record breaking day! Henry Ollis came from Haddenham with his K6 GEM for a 50km attempt back home, which he successfully achieved. Congratulations were also in order for several of our own pilots, Eric and Trish both managed 300km flights, Eric in Cosy and Trish in her DG (although there was a slight problem with Eric's GPS, so unfortunately he couldn't claim a badge). Harry completed his five hours, actually staying up for 5 hours 45 minutes this time (after 4 hours, 56 minutes and 8 seconds at the last attempt!) to make sure he achieved his silver duration. Paul Mucha completed his first 100km flight and I took my Mum for a flight in CCC, using my Passenger Carrying rating for the first time. Paul, Dave and Gail all flew 'The Green Machine.' Jane and Gail took several trial lessons for flights, so a big thank you to them. Also, thanks to Bruno for supervising for the day, Glen as morning LPC and our winch drivers through the day. Also, flying were Ian M, John R, Jon L, Simon Bryant from Haddenham, Dave G, John and Tim D, Russell D, Robin J, Jon C, Norman D and Paul N. Robin also took Dawn for a flight in the Falke.
So, overall, a very successful and fun day was had by all...