Friday, 24 May 2013

Sunday 19th May

I'm pleased to report that the prior forecasts for Sunday were not correct, though it appears that many of you believed that it would be a dull grey day. Looked very promising in the morning so we beetled down to the gliding club and rigged H20, only fly in the ointment being that both batteries gave up the ghost as soon as plugged in! We got to the launch point just in time to see Alan & Trish launch in JYR - they disappeared off fairly quickly and weren't seen again for some hours having set a task to the west.

It was great to see Jaffa back on line - thanks to John R & Phil M. Here are a couple of shots snatched when Jaffa was (briefly) on the ground during a swopover! Eric, Dave P, Patrick, Jon L and Dave Griffiths all had good soaring flights, while Clive flew some visitors in the K21.

Tim Donovan was back in the air again, flying both in DVX and G-WAVY with Derrick, and looking very well after his recent operation. John Rogers flew his DG and John & I both had a long flight in H20, but that was it for the private gliders. The club gliders were kept quite busy, with most people getting a decent soaring flight. Alan & Trish came back late afternoon and reported conditions very difficult around Ludlow, we also had a visitor from Nympsfield who took at aerotow back home.

As you can see from the photos, visibility was a bit rubbish above 2,500ft and cloud base never seemed to get much above 3,000 locally. There were some great climbs early on - couldn't tell you about later as I had full electrical failure with a borrowed battery so had to rely on the 'Mark 1 backside' in absence of a vario!! Don't think my centring was very good, but managed to stay up, which was an interesting excercise in itself, though I don't think it would have been as much fun away from the airfield! The sky overdeveloped mid afternoon and was more difficult to work, but later on the sky opened up again and the thermals improved.
 Some local sightseeing....

Dave P. wonders where all the gliders went.....

Thanks to the duty crew, duty tuggie Dave G, the many winch drivers, and our cheerful instructors Phil & Gavin who supervised the day. After an early evening drink we retired to the pub for dinner. 

If you're in two minds as to the weekend forecast, I urge you to make the decision on the day and not to give up on the weather too soon. You may be pleasantly surprised.