Tuesday 1 November 2011

Back to GMT

The weather is still providing some decent opportunities for productive flying.

Saturday saw Geoff P and team getting in some strong wind practice for number of folks and making the most of the daylight before the clocks changed back to GMT. 

Martin enjoys the outstanding view with visability to beyond Didcot!

Sunday started poor but Lee and team hung on for the late clearance and squeezed in a couple of hours before sunset stopped play.

Monday and Tuesday;  I was off work and was club instructor.  Martin J made the most of the opportunity and is now romping through the syllabus with practice launch failures on Mon and some stalling and spinning on Tue. Lee drove the buggy and the tug - not simultaneously! Terry T also took a quick winch launch. The Falke is now back on line and after being test flown by Tim D, Robin and I took it to Enstone for fuel. Sven then also got a short trip. Meanwhile Tim D hitched a ride down to Wing Farm in the Chippie with Dave G to retrieve G-WAVY. Thanks for help on the field to to Lee and Sven, and particularly Robin for acting as duty winch driver for the last 2 days, allowing the club to operate.