Tuesday 3 May 2011

Graham's trip to Wales

Started early at 1030, with good cu 4000 qnh, but blue and difficult from Stratford heading NW for 120 km to Montgomery very slow despite 15 knot tailwind. Then headed south to Pontypool, great conditions cu at 6000, and climbs up to 8 knots. Back north became blue and slow, and with final turnpoint there was 130 kms to go and it was 1600. Very low at Long Mynd looking up at site, but got away only to have to use engine with 80 kms to go, but then conditions improved with some cu and soared home. Had climb to 5000 at 1800. Covered 332 kms before having to use engine.

See Graham's flight on the BGA ladder http://www.bgaladder.co.uk/dscore.asp?FlightID=30940

Alan Langlands also did Gransden Lodge out and return - apparantly it was quite bumpy! http://www.bgaladder.co.uk/dscore.asp?FlightID=30949