Bruno got HVQ on the flight line, and helped out duty instructor Derek S with club flying after having first taken it for a spin with Mary!
Congratulations to Tony Taylor who completed his CFI acceptance checks for his BI rating. Well done also to Mick for completing his annual BI checks. Others out flying included Dave P, Lucy, Bob, Geoff , Jon C, Alistair, Dave S, Sue, Paul M and junior pilots Abbi, Michael S-G and Tom K. Gavin finished off the day with an aerobatics flight in the K21.
John Donavan did a sterling job flying the scout group in the falke, helped by Ian for a couple of launches. Tim Donovan was also flying his Grob 109 taking one of the scout leaders for a short flight.
Thanks to Christine for towing and to Robin, Tony, Dave P and Jane for helping out on the winch, Jon C, Mike, Jessie, Lucy and the scouts for helping at the launchpoint and keeping the log.