Last weekend we were visited by the BGA 'Juniors group' as part of their Winter Series flying weekends. People started arriving on Friday night, Ben & the Loughborough team cooked masses of curry and made sure everyone was fed. Saturday turned out sunny at last! Thanks guys!
Alan C & helpers organised the launchpoint with great efficiency, Paul F, Paul D, Alan L and helpers flew lots of the juniors in the various club and visitor two seaters, and some of the single seaters went cross country too. We did 93 flights in total, including aerotows using both the Chipmunk and Christine's cub. In the evening we had chilli & curry, plus lots of beer.
Paul, happy at getting back into the air at last with the DG.
Sadly the Sunday weather wasn't as good, but there was still some winching done by some keen students.
Thanks to everyone who helped out at the weekend, particularly the launchpoint helpers, instructors, winch drivers & retrievers at the 'business end' and the catering folks/bar/ground organisers at the other end. Great teamwork from club members, LUGC and the other visitors. A tiring but fun weekend. Next event is the Interclub Weekend on the first May Bank Holiday. See you there.