Sunday, 24 April 2016

Saturday 23rd April

Epic day yesterday. Light easterlies but amazing lift and sink. Graham & Al declared Truro (yes, Cornwall!) out and return, and set off early. Steve T went off in the DG to the SW, to Park & Bromyard (?), John R went East, and so did Tim D and Paul F in KHC. There were some great climbs early on, with impressive looking cloud streets.

Back at the base, Gail and Gavin flew a series of trial lessons, including father and daughter Jim & Carly.
Danny C did almost an hour, then another flight of an hour and a half to gain a bronze endorsement flight. Would probably have done silver height too if he'd had a barograph on board. Cloud base went up to just under 5,000 ft locally by late afternoon. 

The day kept cycling, and John R got caught in the spreadout north of Bedford - he landed at Sackville Farm and was retrieved by Eric and Andy.
All those who stayed up any length of time came back frozen as the freezing layer was 2,500ft! Graham & Al looked cold and tired when they returned from their epic 647km flight, over 7 hours 44! Graham's photos from Cornwall are below. You can look at the BGA ladder details on the following link:
Approaching Bodmin Moor
Eden Project!


Bodmin Moor


Friday, 22 April 2016

SportMobility Visit - Wednesday 20th April

Eric sent some photos from the SportMobility visit to Shenington on Wednesday.

The team of helpers included Derek W. i/c, Alan C,  Paul Duffy, Paul Barnes, John, Tim , David P., Kevin M., David Stead, Martin, Robin and Eric. It was really superb weather for sitting about on the grass and quite good weather for flying and  soaring. We had two K13s out, flying from the farm field up towards the eight acre in an easterly. There were 4kt thermals up there. All pilots said they enjoyed themselves hugely. Thanks to everyone who helped out on the day.

Ian & Emma

Alan in charge...

Paul with Roy, Danny, Phil & Roger - waiting to fly.

Danny ready to go flying

Monday, 4 April 2016

Saturday 2nd April

We had an amazing day. I flew with Alan Langlands and three buzzards in the K13 (in? really? Ed) for exactly 31 minutes, off the winch. We only launched to get the cable out of the way for an aerotow! We kept wondering why the others down there didn't leap into their gliders when they saw us up at 3,000 feet! We had a 15 knot breeze from the south, and lovely fair weather cu at first, later the cu moved out over the valley and Shenington was left in the blue, struggling a bit. 

Turns out our Chairman Mr Linfield had to call on his best talent to untangle a terrible mess when the winch driver had to stop suddenly when drawing out the cables. Evidence below!

Man fights winch....winch winning at this point
Danny Chapman later in the day flew in the blue - in wave assisted thermals - for 54 minutes, so that's one bronze leg from a winch launch. Others also did well, but eventually the top cover returned. A super afternoon.
