I know it seems unlikely given our recent weather, but yes, we did manage two flying days in a week! Saturday was predicted to be the best day of the weekend and many of the usual suspects arrived, keen to get back in the air. Paul Noonan was Duty Instructor and supervised the setup on the short hard runway with CCC and HLH. Then disaster fell....the winch had problems and these turned out to be due to a leaking oil pressure sensor. Luckily we had Lech to come to the rescue - having diagnosed the issue he stood down flying for an hour and went to buy a replacement part. Paul N went for a flight in the Falke, and everyone else went to have Mary's soup & chocolate cake.
With the winch fixed, we went back to the 'short hard' and started launching the club gliders and CPJ. By this time the wind had swung round almost directly down the runway, and was picking up. Probably less than an hour later - after Bob K, Lech and Alistair had flown - the K8 was sent back to the hangar as the wind became more gusty and the ground handling more difficult. Nigel was flying the Falke, and said the take-off was quite hard work with the wind near Paul's hill.
Flying continued with just the K13. Paul flew with Witold, Phil A and then a last flight with me before we put the kit to bed mid afternoon. If I tell you that we had a 1300 feet launch two up in the K13 without me upsetting Paul by pole bending, you will be able to judge the wind! Just as we retrieved the K13, Graham & Paul F returned in the nimbus. They had been in thermals up to almost 3000ft, and had seen good lift in places. They went out to the Cotswold Edge then back to Daventry via a cloud street and then routed South and home, for the longest glider flight of the day. The record in the K13 was 11 minutes - and there was lift low down but we couldn't stay in it in the wind!
Thanks to Lech, Clive & Eric for fixing/driving the winch, and Paul N for instructing - a nice afternoon was had by all, and there was time for tea & a chat afterwards before everyone headed home.