Monday, 23 December 2013

Christmas Weekend at Shenington

Saturday 21st December was Christmas party time!  Liz organised a wonderful array of splendid food and lovely decorations, including balloons with LED lights and a surfeit of mistletoe (put to good use by a number of members).  Lucy came up with another challenging but fun quiz, which included Christmas related questions, general knowledge and aviation.  Many thanks both.
Sunday 22nd December was a blustery day with some rain.  While some were off to Leamington doing the serious selling stuff,  CCC was dragged from the hangar and pretty soon got very wet.  However after the rain cleared and the problem with starting the red tractor without 'easy start' was solved, Lech, Brian and Bruno got flying - with Robin on the winch and Jane helping at the launchpoint.
We had a couple of visitors to fly - both thoroughly enjoyed their flights.  Then a lapsed temporary junior member turned up to fly and joined as a full member.  Welcome to SGC Robert Batty - hope to see you again soon.
We packed the hangar soon after 3 o'clock, just before another downpour.  Great planning Bruno!
