Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Saturday 19th October

Saturday 19th October saw both the K21 and T21 out for an airing (the two 21s causing a headache for the winch driver!!!) Mary took the opportunity to go for a flight with Eric in the T21 before some very heavy showers late afternoon that meant many of us got completely drenched while putting the kit away!

'All set.'

Tuesday, 29 October 2013



Phil Hebdon, who has been around Shenington for many years now finally decided to do it without the motor and went solo in early October.


Colin and Christine West have recently come gliding at Shenington.  They took some wonderful photographs which you can find on Colin's website here:

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Indian Summer - Sunday 7th Oct

A misty start to the day, no training bookings and only one air ex flight booked in the diary – no indication of how busy a day it was going to be.

As the day warmed up to an unseasonal 17 Celsius, so did the activity level.  We started with just CCC and the super-smart Sports England K8 out, but these were joined by the K21, Beth and a couple of private gliders as the sun brought more visitors and members. 

We achieved 45 launches, including air experience flights for 8 visitors and a couple of “friends and family” flights. Longest flight of the day was by Tim Treadaway, with 41 minutes. Mark Hampson, currently recovering from a hip replacement, came to visit. Mark is not allowed to fly yet, but he succeeded in persuading his wife Judy to take a flight, after 23 years as a “gliding widow”.  Judy enjoyed a 30 minute flight with Gail in CCC.

The highlight of my day was joining Russell as P2 in the T21 for an aero-tow launch. Tim in the tug did a great job at keeping the speed down, but Russell said it was literally a white-knuckle ride as he fought to keep in position. I had the easier job of admiring the view, the air being crystal clear to the horizon by mid-afternoon. 

A nice day by any standards, but a great day for October!

Dave Price

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Saturday 5th Oct

Jon and Robin, to spread awareness of the club around the locality, took ASW15 "G2" to the Saturdads session at Bloxham Childrens' Centre. The Dads, Centre staff and the children were all intrigued by the glider and many of them tried it for size. Although no air-ex vouchers were sold on the day, I'm confident that the outing will lead to a number of trial lesson bookings in the near future.  

Jon C