Sunday, 27 February 2011

Flying on a Soggy Day

A showery day, with just the hint of ridge lift but no useful soaring. Bruno ran the day and we achieved several useful flights despite the interuption by showers. Dave Heath was tuggie and John D did some motor-gliding. Those out included Mick F, Gail, Tony T, Paul M, Jan and myself. Well done to Paul Duffy for getting his 'CFI acceptance' flights for Basic Instructing completed.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Ridge Day Afternoon

.. ........................................... The top end of the ridge
A bright and clear afternoon with a 15kt wind bang on the ridge. Once flyable we made the most of the afternoon with some excellent soaring enjoyed by several pilots.
Paul N ran the day with Mick F as BI. I also helped out and did some instructor checks. Gavin P had the longest flight of the day at 1hr 23min in the club K8. There were several other decent soaring flights in club aircraft, with around a 4 hour soaring window. Others out today included Phil B, Tess, Jane, Tony T, Derrick S and Rowan.


Monday, 14 February 2011

More Fun!

Sat 12th Feb
A lovely day with clear blue skies and more winter soaring. Lots of folks out to play. Ray was in charge, with Lee taking over later on. Meanwhile, I was stuck in the Regional CFIs meeting at Snitterfield - Doh! Later we had a great night out at the Club Annual Dinner.
Mon 14th Feb
Another decent day for motor-gliding with several members enjoying a spot of bimbling.

Friday, 11 February 2011


A misty start, clearing up around lunchtime. Jane, Gail and Tony were out for BI annual checks, and we did some very useful flying this afternoon using both the K13 and the Falke. Robin was also out flying the Falke. Thanks to Kath for volunteering to drive the winch. Others around included Clive, Eric, Mary, Dave G and Lee.
Left: Tony practicing his patter!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Checks please!

Today's flying report from Jane Jervis;

"A lovely day at shenington but no soaring (8 minutes I think was the longest winch flight). Bruno worked hard all day and checked Keith and Eric. Also a circuit with Kath. Then me on 3000ft A/T with lots of spins. Also he flew with Tony Taylor, then A/T check and spins with Ed Styles. Mary flew with Derrik in XX1 which Derrick and Tim flew together several times. Paul Barnes, Tony and I all flew the K8."

Sounds like a good time had by all - Rumour has it that Friday might be another flying day, watch this space...