Good turn out today with 35 winch launches, quite a few people taking the opportunity to get current. Bruno and Derek S ran the day, with Mick flying the K21 for trial lessons.
Although not as soarable as yesterday, some found some reduced sink over the village to extend flight times.
Out flying today as well as myself were Alister, Paul F, Robin, Phil B, Tess, Tony T, Dave P, Andy L, Bob, Tez and young Jack, Lizzy, and junior member Max, along with new member Chris S, and prospective member Sue. Clive and Lee were also around flying the motorglider.
It was a very cold day, with a north easterly wind but after a few technical problems with cold engines, we managed to get the most out of the day with last flight landing just after sunset.
In keeping with our Burn's Night theme, Mary did a fabulous Cullen Skink (haddock stew) for lunch. After flying, Bruno gave a very informative Field Landing lecture then we settled down to some Haggis, Tatties and Neaps (for 25 people) - prepared by Lizzy and accompanied by verses from the Bard told by Alan Langlands - I understand the bagpipes came out later!!