Monday, 31 January 2011

Nice Day for Motor-Floating

A misty morning cleared to allow some motor-floating. John L-C was out with his DG800, John M flew his RF4 and Tim D & Derek S were out to fly their Grob. Tony T and Bruno went Falke-ing about, and Tony practiced his BI patter. Apparently there was a fabulous view of the inversion! Others at the club today included Keith M, Graham P and Eric L.


Sunday, 30 January 2011

More Winter Soaring Off The Wire!

Another good day with lots of flying, as the day shaped up to provide a bright afternoon. There were 39 winch launches with several soaring flights off the wire! Bruno was instructing again, with some help from Mike C who sent 'Polish Jan' off on aero-tow to claim his first solo at Shenington with Gary B driving the tug. A good day was had by those who were there...but, as Bruno put it, "Where was everyone else?" - I was at work!!!

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Flying and Burn's Night

Good turn out today with 35 winch launches, quite a few people taking the opportunity to get current. Bruno and Derek S ran the day, with Mick flying the K21 for trial lessons.
Although not as soarable as yesterday, some found some reduced sink over the village to extend flight times.
Out flying today as well as myself were Alister, Paul F, Robin, Phil B, Tess, Tony T, Dave P, Andy L, Bob, Tez and young Jack, Lizzy, and junior member Max, along with new member Chris S, and prospective member Sue. Clive and Lee were also around flying the motorglider.
It was a very cold day, with a north easterly wind but after a few technical problems with cold engines, we managed to get the most out of the day with last flight landing just after sunset.
In keeping with our Burn's Night theme, Mary did a fabulous Cullen Skink (haddock stew) for lunch. After flying, Bruno gave a very informative Field Landing lecture then we settled down to some Haggis, Tatties and Neaps (for 25 people) - prepared by Lizzy and accompanied by verses from the Bard told by Alan Langlands - I understand the bagpipes came out later!!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Wonderful Winter Thermals.

Amazingly RASP had indicated the chance of winter thermals, so I was up early and into my winter thermals to combat the bitter NE'ly wind. At the airfield I was joined by Kath & Paul B, Tony T, Clive S and John L-C. John prep'd his DG800 whilst we got out the K13 and the winch. John Marriott was also out to fly his RF-4.
Tony was my first 'victim' and we sailed up the wire and straight into a weak thermal street. Experimenting convinced us that just flying into wind gave best results until we spotted a buzzard who showed us a better way and soon we were thermalling our way up to cloudbase. After half an hour we thought it best to go back and let the others have a go. It was a pity there were no aspiring Bronze pilots as Bronze legs were certainly on! Clive and Paul both got a good part of their AFR sorted, and Kath had a flight too. Meanwhile, J L-C went off soaring in his DG. Later Tim D turned up and went off for a bimble in the Falke and took Clive along 'as ballast'!

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Grab it while you can.

More club members have been grabbing the (sometimes weather limited) opportunities to fly since the new year. It's your club - make the most of it!!!

Monday: More flying despite the grey skies! Dave G was tuggie and the Duo was out again. I popped in later and had a flight in the Falke with Lee to get myself current.
Tuesday: Derek W was instructing again and managed several flights before rain stopped play. Others out included Mary, Guy, Bob W, Tony T & Eric.
Thursday: First achievement of 2011! It was "Brass Monkeys" weather but it had improved from yesterday, so Bob and I braved the icy winds and flew the motor-glider to complete Bob's Bronze badge. Well done mate!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Just another winter's day...

Another bright day, but thankfully with less fog. DW was out instructing, enabling even more mid-week flying and folks to progress with their AFRs. Amongst those out were Tony T, Robin, Eric, etc. plus Al and Graham flying their Duo again...and it's still only January.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

It's good to be back!

Severe frost and fog in the valley meant a mid morning start. Newly rejoined member Shaun Badby was the first to fly, and was delighted to be in the air again. His second flight was even better! Derek W flew next, then Kath Barnes got back in the saddle with her first flight for over a year and enjoyed the spectacular view of the mist lapping up Edgehill Ridge.

All too soon the the fog was spilling its way towards the airfield and we were forced to pack up early. Thanks to Jane, Tony T, Eric and Keith who all turned and help us get something out of the day, but did not get the chance to fly.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

More Blue Skies!

Another misty morning that gave way to give a lovely afternoon.
Bruno was instructing and Eric drove the winch whilst Guy Lown was 'Duty Student'. Mary also flew with Bruno in the K13. Graham and Al flew their Duo, and Tim test flew the Falke which is now back on-line and will soon have completed the engine run-in period. Also around was Dave G, Lee and myself.
Hope to see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Tuesday afternoon....chasing the clouds away.

Midweek flying today, with Keith Marchant and Andy Scaife taking the opportunity to complete their annual refreshers with Lee (who should have been studying but what can you do when the weather looks so good!), whilst I helped out launching and cleaning the launch point bus! Thanks also to Dave Gould for towing in the Robin.

We'll be flying the rest of this week. The midweek courses return in March, until then midweek flying is by arrangement, just call the club 01295 680 008 or drop Eric an email

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Nothing but blue skies...

In beautiful sunshine and balmy 6 degrees some lovely views were to be had.
Lee was duty instructor, with Mick F and Mike C helping out. Potential new club member Chris S flew with Lee and we hope to see him back soon. Also out flying were Alistair Frier, Jon Carlton, Dave Price and Nigel Clarke, Bob flew the K21 solo, and Liz took a quick flight with Mick. Thanks also to tuggies Roly and Gary (who is now checked on the Robin).

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Sunshine on a rainy day...

The soggy start gave way to bright sunshine at lunchtime and those who stuck it out were rewarded with a clear blue sky in the afternoon. After all the rain the grass was initially too soft to operate from without ruining it, so Duty Instructor Dave Perkins suggested A/T launches only off the hard, and Rowan brought out the Robin. The Astir was rigged and test flown by Gavin P, and the K21 also came out once Bruno and Andy L had completed their fettling. Others out at the club today included Duty BI Jonathan W, LPC Gordon C, Phil B, Mary, Phil Z, Christine & Michael B, Eric, Lee, Nigel C and myself....

Sunday, 2 January 2011

It's a new day, it's a new year ...

After all the terrible weather that we saw throughout December, the New Year got off to a fine start today. Bruno ran the day, with BI Paul D helping out, Dave H tugging and Chris C and Charles as LPC.

Paul in the K8
There was a good turn out with many people taking the opportunity to get current, with over 30 launches flown, and in particular Alistair making the most of Bruno's instruction. Trish and Alan rigged and flew their glider and John Le Coyte was also out in his. Others out today included Rowan, Jon C, Dave L'M, Gavin, Paul and Kath, Derek S, Derek W, Tim D, Ian A, Robin. Folks out flying powered aircraft included Mike C aerobating his Chipmunk and John Marriot, who had a day out to Shobdon in his motorglider with some pals from Bicester.