Monday 5 November 2012

The Sunshine Returns!

Me With Our Two Happy Air Experience Students.
A fun and productive day for Day 1 of "Winter Ops". The field was still rather wet so we decided to just fly the Falke off the Long Hard launching on 35 with a lighter than predicted Northerly wind. Our Air Ex visitors had a fun time and enjoyed their time with us having had several previous thwarted attempts due to poor weather. John M flew off in his RF-4 for a lunch at Wellesbourne. John L-C and Gaynor fettled the DG, Phil H worked on his Bolkow and Colin & Ivan continued in the workshop. Later Scott and I went of for a navex to Upper Hayford-Enstone-Shipston and back, checking out the flooded Cherwell River and enjoying the autumn sunshine and long shadows. Special thanks to Jane, who turned out to help things along, but who decided not to fly.

Banbury And Beyond...

The River Cherwell - Flooded After The Recent Rains.

The Falke Looking Splendid In The Sunshine!