Sunday 8 July 2012

Sat 7th July

On duty Tim Donovan, myself and Tessa as LPC. and Clive as BI

The day started early with a weather review, Notam checks and what TL were scheduled. Very quickly the arrival of two TL's spurred us on to get started.One couple had in fact come from Jersey.

The weather looked a bit ifif but in the main was located to the SW with better and more open weather to the east and south east.
Quickly Robin got the winch out followed by the bus and DDB in the farm field.
The first launch taken by Tim and Tessa  saw DDB testing a cloud formation lying SE to NW and various views saw this as some convergence between the poor heavy weather  to the SW and clearer weather to the east.
The flight was a wonderful 13min tester climbing to 1800 ft and soaring along the cloud line.

All progressed well between the odd shower and all the TL's had their flights
The highlight on the afternoon was the low fly past 300ft of the Lancaster on it's way to Fairford

Who ever organised this was a real star. What a wonderful sight of Lanc 1 appearing from the north across the far field and right over the top of us.

Sorry I didn't manage to get a shot but others did and if I get one emailed to me will put it on this Blog

Final thanks to the small team who were there including Lucy and Patrick who also managed some flights and in particular Robin for starting the day and John Whiting for carrying much of the days winching.

Just shows what you can do with an enthusiastic group all in all some 18 flights when I had to leave

We fortunately had MC and Lee in the Supermunk  to give us a forecast of approaching weather allowing us to carry on after a fairly heavy shower


Cloud formation which Tess and Tim soared to 1800 ft.
Shot to the NW showing a real mix of cloud formation
Some of the team helping to make sure we had a productive and fun day between the showers