Friday 27 April 2012

Thursday 26 April

Winds 20knots westerly. Showers forecast.

The day started with a briefing on weather, followed by a trek to the short hard. Alex Nicholls and Bob King continued their training---well done both, pretty turbulent conditions and a  strong wind gradient well handled.

Clive retrieved the last landing just moments before the heavens opened, so in true brummy style he got in the dry cockpit with Bob King and gave him an impromtu lesson on altimetry---now that is imaginative.

Needless to say it was still raining when we repacked the hangar, but a useful training  day.

Back in the workshop the K13 progresses well, it is just amazing how much work is involved.

Later in the evening, the children (Robin and Clive) were having helicopter dog fights in the club room, that was my call for bed---the giggling got a little too loud for me.
